

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • On the tenth twilight, at journey's end, you shall attain to the power of the Golden Land's treasures, once and for the last time. The witch shall praise the ...

    A new perspective on the mystery of the Golden Witch is presented in this chapter, with the witches Bernkastel and Lambdadelta playing a more prominent role ...

    2015/11/30 -The witch shall praise the wise and bestow four treasures. One shall be all the gold from the Golden Land. One shall be, the resurrection of the ...

    The first time the epitaph is solved in-game is during Banquet of the Golden Witch by Eva Ushiromiya. The epitaph can be solved without knowing the phrase ...

    『うみねこのなく頃に』オリスク“偽書『Land of the golden witch』” 詳しい説明は以下をご覧頂く ...


    2009/12/30 -・ep3で『Land of the golden witch』を発表していたら、「真相でないものを真相だと思う」段階にすら至らないだろう。 以上のような要約ができるように ...

    Find books like Umineko WHEN THEY CRY Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, Vol. 1 - manga (Umineko WHEN THEY CRY, 1) from the world's largest community...

    Land of the golden witch』. 突然の強風だった。一瞬、体が宙に浮いた気さえした。私はとっさに目をつぶり、風に背を向けた。そして再び目を開けた時、目の前には ...

    Find books like Umineko WHEN THEY CRY Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, Vol. 2 - manga (Umineko WHEN THEY CRY, 2) from the world's largest community...