


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 3日前 -A Descriptor contains information like type of the device, Vendor ID, Compliant USB Version, number of configurations device supports, number of endpoints, etc.

    2024/7/1 -The USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a device descriptor. The following table describes the possible registry entries for the vvvvpppprrrr key. The USB ...

    2024/7/13 -A device descriptor in USB technology provides important details about a USB device. It describes the device's capabilities and information such as product ID, ...

    2024/7/11 -What does device descriptor request failed mean? How to fix unknown USB device device descriptor request failed? Follow this guide to learn 12 ways how to ...

    2024/7/18 -USB Vendor Info File Generator. 07/18/2024. Version 3.32. VIF Editor Tools. Test Tool. Vendor_Info_File_v3.32.zip2.01 MB ...

    How to FIX Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) 2024 METHOD!* The "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)" error usually ...


    A.補足拝見しました。Onboard Devicesが無いと言っていることは、HDDのマスターブートレコード(MBR)が破損していて、HDDからOSを読めなくなっている可能性があります。当時のDEL...

    A.追記 あーもしかしてOSはVistaですか? vistaだとどうなんだろうか・・・ https://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/ja-JP/Help/32...

    A.完全シャットダウン→電源コードを抜く→電源ボタンを押す→しばらくしてから再起動 これで治るでしょう。 Windows8は完全シャットダウンしないと履歴引き継ぎます。

    2024/7/5 -This descriptor contains information about the capability of the device. When the bcdUSB value in the Device Descriptor is greater than 0x0200, the USB Host ...

    6日前 -Explore and diagnose USB devices with this handy device viewer tool. ; USB descriptors: Examine USB descriptors for each device, providing in-depth technical ...

    2024/7/1 -Windows cannot recognize USB device? Receive 'USB isn't recognized' or 'USB Device Descriptor Failed' error message on your PC while connecting USB?

    2024/7/19 -I tried to connect my phone to my laptop in order to update it, but it doesn't recognize my phone. So, I installed USB Oblivion, which worked temporarily.