

2013/1/15 -How to fix boot error UUID disk drive is not ready or not present where micro failed to load microcode_amd.bin and HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed?

2012/2/10 -This is a warning from hdparm as it can have problems communicating with external usb hard drives, so you can ignore that warning.

2015/9/12 -HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Invalid argument. Dernière modification par ... Mon /etc/fstab. # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> ...

HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Invalid argument. Этот вывод обычно говорит о том, что диск является SCSI устройством, а hdparm не работает с SCSI устройствами. С ...

2012/9/29 -Hi, I reformatted my system disk and now the swap partition on /dev/sda2 doesn't mount properly anymore: Code: server:/~ root:# swapon -a ...

2021/7/15 -... fstab" sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10. and confirmed inxi --admin --verbosity ... HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: No message of desired type. Which is ...

2012/2/5 -レスキューモードの様な形でOSが起動し,以下の様に表示されることがある. ata_id HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdc: Invalid argument fsck.ext2 ...

2011/11/14 -After I've installed PAE Kernel 3.1.4 then in the boot process screen, I got this error notice. I've searched on forum and google but not ...

2011/5/6 -BLKRAGET failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device. HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device. HDIO_GET_BUSSTATE failed ...

2011/5/6 -... fstab file, but to pull that off, we'll need to find the proper /dev/sdX or UUID ... HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device