

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/4/14 -Hello,. I'm getting this error when building. “[Build] Can't find the Android NDK/SDK path, please go to Preferences → External Programs to set”.

    2024/3/20 -I suspect cocos dashboard is not reconizing the custom cocos2d-x ... Please go to Perference panel to set the correct engine path. ... NDK_ROOT=C:\CocosEnv\Android\ ...

    2024/3/2 -I am using cocos2dx-v3.17.2, ndk-r21d, android studio 4.1.1 . I am experiencing a crash on cocos2d::TextureCache::loadImage() + 290 My crash stack trace ...

    2024/2/22 -Cocos2d-x 3.x游戏开发实战pdf含目录,内容详细,强烈推荐给大家。 安卓SDK接入so easy,一文看懂Cocos Creator原生二次开发的正确姿势!

    2024/4/21 -NDK_ROOT E:\ProgramFiles\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle. Path E:\ProgramFiles\cocos2d-x-4.0\templates;E:\ProgramFiles\cocos2d-x-4.0\tools\cocos2d-console\bin; 系统 ...

    2日前 -由于cocos2d-x 还不支持最新的NDK r10,所以我们需要从网络上搜索NDK r9d 用于编译。 SDK 和NDK 不能放在包含中文和空格的目录中。 Windows 下,SDK/NDK 必须和quick 的 ...

    2024/3/29 -in my project directory, i deleted the /.gradle and the /.idea (kept a back up of this one just in case). navigated to /.gradle directory in my user directory ...

    2024/3/6 -Examples include Unity for building 2D and 3D games, Unreal Engine for creating high-fidelity games, and Cocos2d-x for building mobile games. Web Development ...

    2024/4/2 -This is a popular 2D game engine written in Java. Its been used to build many popular games. Its also free and completely open source. 2. Cocos2d-x: World's # ...

    Android - Countly

    1. https://support.count.ly
    2. articles
    3. 360037754031-Android
    1. https://support.count.ly
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    3. 360037754031-Android

    2024/4/3 -Cocos2d-x · Run Countly from subdirectory · Android ... // in root level gradle file plugins { id "ly.count.android ... We are working on building a breakpad ...