

2013/5/16 -You've configured extension pdo_mysql to build statically, but it depends on extension pdo, which you've configured to build shared. You ...

2021/4/24 -Recently I tried to build an php statically linked binary with swoole and some other extensions, to make php real portable, flexible. But I have ...

2011/7/12 -55 using gcc compiler in Solaris 10 SPARC. My requirement is to build the Static portable binary of php. Following is the configure statement I ...

2015/5/19 -I've purged a version and did a fresh install of another php version with the +pdo +apxs2, etc. Same result in that every app that uses an ...

When building PDO as a shared extension (not recommended) then all ... If you built PDO and the database-specific extensions statically, you can skip this step.

2023/3/7 -On Linux, if you have installed PHP using your system's package manager, PDO is probably installed as a dynamically loaded extension named pdo.

2023/3/14 -Hello, I am having trouble installing Drupal. I ran the following code composer create-project drupal/recommended-project drupal cd drupal ...

For instance, run the following command to only build the opcache extension: docker buildx bake --load --set static-builder.args.PHP_EXTENSIONS=opcache, ...

2014/12/11 -Does anyone know how can I install PDO SQLite extension on Windows? I ... Have you run phpInfo(); in your 'index.php' web page and you should ...

2013/10/8 -Hi Forum. I've been trying to add pdo_odbc to my easy apache rawopts, but have not been able to compile php and apache successfully. In...