

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/7/23 -If your looking for a user friendly distro to start you can start with Zorin OS. It's based on Ubuntu (it's stable) and it's the more "windows friendly" distro ...

    2023/7/26 -QEMU, short for "Quick Emulator", is a powerful emulator that supports platforms, including Linux. It allows you to run virtual machines on your Windows system, ...

    2023/6/1 -10 Linux Emulator Options for Your Windows System · 1. Virtual Box · 2. VMware Workstation · 3. QEMU · 4. Hyper-V · 5. AndLinux · 6. MESS (Multi Emulator Super System).

    2023/8/19 -In this article, you will learn the list of best terminal emulators available for Linux, along with screenshots and installation instructions.

    2023/12/29 -Linux® emulation in FreeBSD implements the ptrace(2) facility in linux_ptrace.c. The routines for converting registers between Linux® and FreeBSD and the actual ...

    2024/5/3 -Quickemu. Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines: Made with for Tux (Linux).

    2024/4/24 -The best Linux terminal emulators of 2024 in full: · 1. Cool Retro Term · 2. Guake Terminal · 3. Terminator · 4. Terminology · 5. st (simple terminal) · 6. rxvt ...

    MY SOCIALS https://t.co/YCucsNrCmx SPONSOR OF TODAYS VIDEO, PROTONVPN! https://go.getproton.me/aff_c?offer_id=26&aff_id=6961 LINKS IN TODAY'S VIDEO YUZU ...

    YouTube-Linux Benchmarks

    QEMU - Wikipedia

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    2023/9/1 -QEMU (Quick Emulator) is a free and open-source emulator. It emulates a computer's processor through dynamic binary translation and provides a set of ...

    2023/8/29 -The best NES/ Dendy/ FDS emulator for Linux, based on FCE Ultra. GTK2 based GUI. Emulates a huge number of mappers; Support for saves; Many customizations ...

    A.それでも構いませんが今は仮想イメージが こちらから無料でダウンロードできますよ。 https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/too...


    A.悪いことはいわないからデストリのパッケージを使ったら? コンパイルはしたの?コンパイルしてないならREADMEを読みながらコンパイルしてね


    A.Linux上でexeファイルを起動させる常套手段として Wine http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine というソフトがあります。 Ubuntuも公式パッケージを用意...
