


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 4日前 -Description: Use the full power of C++ to build professional games powered by DirectX, Unreal, or Cocos2d. Components included by this workload. Expand table ...

    1日前 -When installing Visual Studio, please check Desktop development with C++ and Game development with C++ two modules. Note: there is a Cocos option in the Game ...

    2024/4/30 -The visual editor in GameMaker Studio allows you to design your game's levels, characters, and objects with ease. It provides a wide range of tools and features ...

    2024/5/15 -Customizable, embeddable, small package, easy-to-use, cross-platform graphic engine with next-generation engine underlying architecture and future-oriented ...

    2024/4/11 -This is perfectly fine in Visual Studio Code, but in reality it seems to cause an error and the script attached to the node is not recognized.

    2024/3/20 -In this article, I will show the revamped installation process in Visual Studio 2017, offering tailored workloads and individual component selection, ...

    2024/4/20 -Making a basic Cocos2D-x game for Android ... Co-Debugging JNI with Android Studio and Visual Studio ... Building and Debugging OpenGL on Linux with Visual Studio ...

    Making a basic Cocos2D-x...-Using the STM32 UART...-Rp2040-Cmake

    2024/5/12 -... cocos2d-x\gulpfile.js [08 :10: 15] Starting 'gen ... Visual Studio ֤ 29 ڡ 1>------ : Ŀ: libcocos2d ... cocos2d-x\gulpfile.js:171:17) at ...

    2024/3/3 -The problem is that my Sprite::create("image.png") function can't seem to find the image file. With my Cocos2d-x project for Mac, I just had to drag the ...

    2024/3/6 -Community and Tutorials: GameMaker Studio has a supportive community and ... Cocos2d-x: Cocos2d-x is an open-source framework ... Visual Scripting and C++: ...

    A.>公開鍵とか?みたいなのが怪しいみたいです。 ちょっといじってしまったかもしれません。 よくあります、iOS開発はこういう手続きが面倒なのです 正しくXcodeでのアプリ開発を理解してないとど...