

These notes explain how to move data between R and Excel and other Windows applications via the clipboard.

Describes how to read and write data from the clipboards using the R package clipr, which works well on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like systems.

2018/11/13 -We won't be using it in this post, but you can see the contents of the Windows clipboard in R using the readClipboard() command. Going through ...

2012/11/18 -Install the rcmdr package in Rstudio. Go to "tools" > "Install Packages" > type rcmdr · Now go back to Rstudio and type: X<-read.delim("clipboard ...

The writeClipboard function will write a character vector as text or Unicode ... It will copy a raw vector directly to the clipboard without any changes.

file command specifying what values are missing (e.g., na ="."). See the example for the reading from the remote mtcars.csv file. read.clipboard was based upon ...

Description. Simple utility functions to read from and write to the Windows, OS X, and X11 clipboards. Details. The basic functions read_clip() and write_clip() ...

read.clipboard: shortcut for reading from the clipboard. Description. input from the keyboard is easy but a bit obscure, particularly for Mac users.

The writeClipboard function will write a character vector as text or Unicode text with standard CRLF line terminators. It will copy a raw vector directly to ...

2015/5/20 -Writing R objects to the clipboard is very useful but a bit tricky on a Mac. Try the following code to write the my.data dataframe to the ...