
2024/2/4 -スーパーファミコンエミュレーター「Snes9x」のUbuntuでの使い方を紹介します。最新のSnes9xを無料のLinuxで遊ぶ方法は意外と情報が少ないため、 ...

2018/3/21 -... エミュレーターを入れたかったんですが、やり方がよくわからない早くゲームをしたかったのでZsnesというエミュレーターをいれました。 環境 ubuntu ...

The emulator will act like a Super Nintendo Console and will play the ROMS for you. The most popular SNES emulator for Linux and my personal favorite, is ZSNES.

Emu-Land.net - Retrogaming, Games (ROMs) и Emulators for old consoles and computers, emulation of snes, super nintendo, emulator, linux.

ZSNES is an emulator for the Super Nintendo video game console. It is written in a combination of x86 assembly, C, C++, and PSR. It is currently available on ...

options-files and directories-graphics packs

Setting up a SNES emulator on Linux is an uncomplicated process, and with bsnes you can quickly configure, install, and play classic Super Nintendo titles on ...

2023/10/17 -A package search shows that ZSNES is available only up to 23.04 (lunar). Why was it removed and where can I find it or an alternative for it?

2023/12/10 -I just want a NES standalone emulator on my Ubuntu 23.10 but I am having a hell of time making it happen. App center has nothing.

Easy way to install ZSNES on a Ubuntu based linux OS. Emulator installed using the following shell command: sudo apt-get install zsnes.


Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and ...

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