

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 4日前 -Basketball player Karsten Schafer is preparing to get off the bench and back in the game after doctors told him he might never play again.

    2024/9/13 -In his fifth regnal year Akhenaten founded his new capital Akhetaten in Middle Egypt, thereby crowning his religious reform intended to promote the cult of Aten ...

    2024/9/9 -A horse gave a young girl the motivation she needed to fight an aggressive cancer. There's something seriously special at Special Equestrians in Fort Myers.

    2024/9/23 -A character from the adult game Rance Series. Appeared from Rance IX. In GI 995, the Mysteria Magic Academy was established to teach various forbidden magic ...

    2024/10/3 -ミラクルクロー・火+炎柱神の念力+舞い上がる炎・ランダムで火ドロップを7個生成する・1ターンの間、火ドロップが消せなくなる・1ターンの間9コンボ以下のダメージを ...

    ... ミラクルタイプ、シャマシュクルが理想火カーリー(4色強化) ・シグルズ、ガランゴルム、ラー&ホルス、水アテン、火雷神、学園金剛、水バレンタインアキネ、クレシャ ...


    6日前 -Miracle Tou · Mysteria Tou · Aten Gnu · Onoha Mespos · Samar Happiness ...

    2024/9/19 -“As a pharaoh, Akhenaten is noted for abandoning traditional ancient Egyptian religion of polytheism and introducing Atenism, or worship centered around Aten.

    2日前 -A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN) is delivering security and AI-based solutions to help customers increase their cyber resilience and harness the power of AI to secure ...

    2024/10/2 -1T内に使用できる赤アビ回数が劇的に増えるためエジソンPTにアテンが入るだけでダメージが大幅にアップする。 また、[約束の守護者]オクとの相性も良く、エジソンPT ...