

2014/4/21 -This Microsoft Update fixes the issue of Visual Studio Macros stop working after installing MS14-009.

Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (KB2938806), Visual Studio 2008, Critical Updates, 5/13/2014 ; Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ ...

2021/4/26 -A security issue has been identified leading to a vulnerability in MFC applications that are built with Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1.

2021/5/12 -A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system with Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 ...

Introduction. Microsoft has released a cumulative update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and for Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express 2008.

This security update resolves one privately reported vulnerability in Visual Studio. The vulnerability could allow elevation of privilege if an attacker places ...

2023/7/26 -The program is currently running and working (as an exe file) at their business, but is running VERY slow so I'm trying to update the system and ...

2021/5/12 -A security issue has been identified leading to a vulnerability in MFC applications that are built with Visual Studio 2008 and ship the ...

2020/10/30 -Purpose To assist Project Developers upgrading an older project with the latest Service Packs of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.

2020/11/5 -Purpose To assist Project Developers upgrading an older project with the latest Service Packs of BusinessObjects Enterprise, Crystal Reports ...


A.過去に同様の質問がありますね。 ↓ http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1262454467

A.私もWindows7(64ビット版)で同じエラー表示がされ、 Visual studio 2008 Express Edition SP1の インストールができない状態でしたが、 コントロールパネル