


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/8/7 -Other than file size, the most noticeable difference that I see is that on the encodes there's often color banding in large areas of same color. As in shots of ...

    2023/9/24 -x264 is a software library and command line application for encoding H.264 / AVC developed by VideoLAN, the people behind the ever-popular VLC Media Player ...

    2024/4/18 -CRF works just like in x264, so choose the highest value that provides an acceptable quality. Choose a preset. The default is medium . The preset determines ...

    2023/9/2 -x264 · Constant rate factor 20 (--crf 20) is considered the site standard for video quality; it is recommended unless this provides an unacceptably large bitrate ...

    2023/12/16 -... crf 20 -x264-params "threads=1:asm=mmx2,sse2,ssse3,sse4,avx" out.mp4}. I used ... x264. preset fast: 1.9% preset medium: 1.8% preset very slow: 4.2 ...

    2023/7/2 -Game Record: x264, CRF = 20 (this is the typical 0-51, lower =better) Face Record: x264, CRF = 20. Doing this give me no lag what so ever. Zero frames ...

    2024/3/11 -I officially challenge anyone to prove a significant quality increase in x265 over x264 at the same bitrate and provide me the source, x265 build and exact ...

    2023/9/23 -This guide focuses on the encoder x264. It assumes you have ffmpeg compiled with --enable-libx264 . If you need help compiling and installing see one of our ...

    2024/3/14 -We compress the same video as in the H.265 test using the X264 encoding software, with the preset "slower" and crf 20. Media Encoding ...

    2024/2/23 -This is a very bad choice for x264. The correct "just give me a given quality please" mode in x264 is CRF (constant rate factor) mode, which does not force ...