


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 1日前 -Personality. Griefer is shown to be highly insensitive and immature. He enjoys wreaking havoc and commanding people with violence, far enough to have his father ...

    1日前 -Feel Fine is an action card that can drop by killing enemies in the demo 2 section of the game that are holding it. Feel Fine appears as a yellow card with ...

    2024/7/19 -The Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four stories that runs to over 17,000 lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and ...

    2024/7/23 -Main Page · Dragon Knight Guide Dragon Knight · Cardinal Guide Cardinal · Shadow Cross Guide Shadow Cross · Arch Mage Guide Arch Mage · Windhawk Guide Windhawk ...

    2024/7/18 -The official community generated wiki resource for the VR RPG A Township Tale by Alta VR.

    2024/7/7 -Cris Tales (stylized as CrisTales) is a role-playing video game developed by Colombian indie game studios Dreams Uncorporated and Syck, and published by ...

    A.カンタベリ物語は自称詩人(ただしこれが職業ではない)で読書家のチョーザー (1340頃~1400)という人の集めた伝奇説です。日本では今昔物語の編者が近いでしょうか。 彼が本当に巡礼をしたのかは...

    A.古英語の『ベオウルフ』では行末の 韻が主なので、あなたの友人の説に は疑義の余地が多分にあると思いま す。しかし、古英語では動詞が文末 に置かれますから、特に工夫しなく ても、時制が同じ定型動詞...

    2024/7/6 -Talon Tales is a free-to-play MMORPG where you journey through Midgard! Free-to-Play, Episode 14.2, Low-Rates and Pre-Renewal with its own unique twist.

    5日前 -ガーディアンテイルズ(ガデテル)攻略wikiです。リセマラや最強ランキングはもちろん、ワールドやサブクエストをマップ付きで攻略。キャラ評価や装備もまとめている ...


    2024/7/4 -Summons a machine for an allied target, which attacks nearby enemies for the skill duration. It inflicts melee physical damage every second to enemies within ...

    2024/7/9 -A story of someone who conquered The Machine Revolution: Total War. The stories of victorious adventurers never fail to draw attention. “ ...