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    YouTube-Irfan halim

    6日前 -I grew up playing SNES games and before all these new things were implemented. Then I've spent a good part of my gaming time with GPU Passthrough because I ...

    3日前 -Using a config file¶. By default, RetroArch looks for a config in various places depending on OS: Linux/macOS: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/retroarch/retroarch ...

    5日前 -Horizon Linux is an open-source ARM64 Linux ... Subscribers have access to games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo Entertainment System ...



    3日前 -RetroArch is a frontend for emulators, game engines and media players. It enables you to run classic games on a wide range of computers and consoles through ...

    5日前 -Good day. I'm trying to add more emulators to the Smart Pro and to play Snes games with the BSnes HD core of Retroarch. I made the necessary folders…

    3日前 -Kit Includes: 2 x USB Controller Features: 1.Buttons: D-pad, Start, Select , A ,B,X,Y 2.USB 2.0 port game controllers , plug and play, no addition software.

    2日前 -ES-DE is a frontend for browsing and launching games from your multi-platform collection.

    3日前 -This includes the Linux and ARM64 Windows versions that was recently made available to beta testers. Even though this emulator is completely free, please ...

    5日前 -Mesen-S is a cross-platform SNES emulator for Windows & Linux built in C++. ... Port of Snes9x 1.52+ to Libretro (previously called SNES9x Next). Rewritten in C ...

    A.Linux MintかXubuntuをお勧めします。 どのディストリビューションでも条件は満たせますが、 方法はご自分で調べてください。


    A.私は以前Fedoraを利用していました。 昨今ではUbuntuをよく見かけますね。Ubuntuでは 2.AVG Anti-Virus 3.Java、Flash 5.smbfs 6.Scratc...


    A.zsnesの設定ファイルを作りなおしてみてはどうですかね。多分、~/.zsnesのなかにある*.cfgが設定ファイルです。一旦削除してzsnesを起動しなおせば設定ファイルが作り直されるはず。 ...
