

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2340 damage Blitz Beat?! Yes, it can be done in a Classic Pre-Renewal setting! Not only that, I managed to reach 186 ASPD to go along with it!

    YouTube-Tsino Puppy

    ... Hunter with Auto Blitz in old days, was best memories I ever had. Simple Click on Monster to attack and let's the Falcon do the job. With cheap gear, except ...

    YouTube-MZAR Gaming Channel

    disclaimer: Please note that this build isn't currently the strongest or most optimal, as I may switch to a different build once I acquire rainbow gears.


    2023/11/17 -If you do not like spamming skills, 99 DEX/AGI is the way to go for max DPS from normal attacks. You can still take all the Blitz and Falcon skills, but putting ...

    2023/12/8 -・混沌のハンターフライカード お金のない物理職御用達の一枚。StrがあがるほどAtkもあがるし、Agiが上がるほどAtkが上がる。初心者勢は困ったらコレ。 ・古のメガリス ...

    2024/7/16 -パッシブ効果:通常攻撃でブリッツビートを3回発動させる度に、ソニックビートが追加で発動する。 【種類】物理/無 【最大Lv】10 【前提】ブリッツビートLv.5. 【詠唱時間】 ...

    2024/5/30 -Hunter. Blitz Beat Mastery I. Increase damage 1% ; Blitz Beat Mastery II. Increase damage 3% ; Blitz Beat Mastery III. Increase damage 5% ; Bard. Musical Strike ...

    2024/6/2 -Increases damage by 20% if upgrade level is +11 or higher. Falken Blitz - Increases damage by 10%; 18185.png Sharp Star [2] - If refine level is + ...

    2023/10/18 -Blitz Shadow Armor - DEF + 25. For every 2 refine level, DEF + 5. If refine rate is 7 or higher, ASPD + 1. If refine rate is 9 or higher, reduces global ...

    2023/9/18 -Falcons give Hunters the ability to deal damage to multiple monster at once, by gathering enemies together and employing the Falcon with the skill Blitz Beat.