

In this knowledgebase article we demonstrate sending an email using outMail with PEAR::Mail library in PHP.

The SMTP interface allows a PHP application to access an external SMTP server with control over various options such SMTP ports and authentication. These ...

2015/3/4 -I tried to change the port into 465 and set $SMTPSecure as ssl but still doesn't work, with the same debug result. What should I check to repair ...

2022/12/21 -The following example shows how to do this using a Gmail account. Install the Mail and Net_SMTP PEAR modules: sudo /opt/bitnami/php/bin/pear ...

To connect to an outgoing SMTP server from a PHP script using SMTP authentication and send an email: Make sure the PEAR Mail package is installed. Typically ...

2022/7/1 -This article explains how to use SMTP authentication to send email with the PHP mail() function in PEAR Mail. Sending Email With the PHP Mail ...

The function should accept only one parameter - an associative array of values; 'id', 'queued_as' and 'greeting'. You'll need to use recent releases of the PEAR ...

Table of Contents. Introduction — How to send a mail and the mailer backends; Mail::factory() — creates a mailer instance; Mail::send() — sends a mail ...

$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp',. array ('host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password));. $mail = $smtp ...

2008/10/23 -I am trying to use the PEAR::Mail() function for PHP. However, I am not able to use authentication. $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' ...