

As per the 「Njals Saga」, the Valkyries are occasionally depicted weaving with terrifying looms. The girls determined the victory or defeat of the battlefield ...

Fate Weaver gains immunity to High Morale, Fear, Petrify, and Silence and to the portion of a single instance of damage that exceeds 12% of its Max HP.

Any use-case where you need to write notes, stay organised on data points, and keep track of the links between those data points, Fateweaver is for you.

Use: Perform a weaving ritual, spinning the webs of fate and fashioning them into a Fateweaved Weapon. Requires Level 70 "Barely legible words are inscribed ...

Short, sweet, and relaxing. The only game series of its kind. Very psychological and atmospheric. Sit back, relax, and ask questions that lead to various forms ...

When Lexi finally comes into her full power, she discovers a family secret that turns everything she ever knew about herself upside down. Her gift for ...

The Fate Weaver is a goddess that is often depicted as being half spider. She is said to weave the fates of both individuals and countries alike in a ...

With no memories besides the distinct ability to kill, a blood-magic wielding butcher, and a quest to set this world aright, I fear this little game of the gods ...

This twin-headed terror is a master of magic, able to transform foes into tentacle-ridden Chaos Spawn, or incinerate them with multicoloured blasts of fire. He ...

Fate Weaver Series · Book 1 · Shelve A Match Made in Spell · Book 2 · Shelve All Spell is Breaking Loose · Book 3 · Shelve To Spell & Back · Book 3.5 · Shelve A ...

A.ラスカルさん こんばんは 凄い曲数 びっくりです(笑) どこから聴いていこう・・・ いつも素敵な曲をありがとう すずらん