


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 2日前 -error: Failed dependencies: /bin/sh is needed by check-mk-agent-2.3.0p7-hash123.noarch. Failed installing Checkmk agent: Error during installation of package.

    3日前 -But I tried running the script in another host and that host does not have the dependencies which it required. For eg "yum" "perl" etc. Following is the error ...

    6日前 -the system fails to solve dependencies and creating your customized image fails. ... rpm-ostree update and rebase fails with failed to find kernel error. 15.4 ...

    3日前 -Will test on RHEL OSes. What about the other error messages of failed dependencies? THey'll get resolved once I change to RPM based OS?

    6日前 -Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/application for anonymous@public.dhe.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox ... Dependencies resolved.

    6時間前 -Use SSH to connect to your EC2 Linux instance. To confirm that the amazon-linux-extras package is installed, run the following rpm command: $ rpm -qa ...

    A.一番はインターネットにつながるRHEL7(同じバージョン)でdnf downloadでrpmファイルをダウンロードだけしてインストール対象のRHEL7に持ってきてインストールするのが良いと思います。

    A.Vine 4.1 で試しましたところ、確かに「libldap.so.2」が無いと文句を言われますね。しかし、/usr/lib/ 内に libldap-2.3.so.0 等がすでにインストール済み...

    A.当該パッケージ用の署名が無いため、信頼できないパッケージと見なされ、インストールできないのではないかと思います。 カギのIDが示されていますので、必要な署名を調べて、別途インストールしてやる必要...

    1日前 -See our RPM Documentation to determine what you need. If running on an air-gapped node with SELinux enabled, the following are required dependencies for SLES, ...

    6日前 -Error: The test encountered an issue that would cause the conversion to fail because it is very likely to result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must ...

    4日前 -I am encountering an error message indicating that the required directory is missing when I try to run yum update or yum install commands on my AWS EC2 instance ...

    6日前 -Due to a missing dependency on CentOS 8.4 [specifically the symlink (libnsl.so.1) to libnsl was removed], when installing Luna HSM Client 10.5.0 or newer, you ...