
2012/3/28 -日本国内でも,FM TOWNSやスーパーファミコン,メガCDで日本語版が発売されているので,そちらをプレイしたことがあるというオールドゲーマーもいる ...

Wing Commander自体が日本ではあまり知名度ないと思いますが、海外では神ゲーだそうで、アメリカ人コンテンツマネージャー氏が興奮気味に教えてくれました。その興奮を共感 ...

Wing Commander Saga. レビュワー, [ たたり ]. ジャンル, [ スペースシューティング ] ... [ 日本語 ]. 配布元, ダウンロード先. ハマリ度:10 グラフィック:9 ...

Pilots, man your planes! Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn concludes a forty-year galactic struggle between the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi Empire ...

Wing Commander Timeline-FeaturesGameplay & Features-Weapons-Crew

Wing Commander is a media franchise consisting of space combat simulation video games from Origin Systems, Inc., an animated television series, ...

Wing Commander Arena-Wing Commander IV-Wing Commander II-Prophecy

Wing Commander Saga is an epic space combat simulator developed by the talented team at Wing Commander Saga Team. This immersive software takes players on a ...

The Wing Commander series canon is a Shared universe includes the games (including ports and remakes which sometimes add additional material), the manuals, ...

Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga is a collection of space combat simulation games by Origin Systems. It comprises the first three games in the Wing ...

A total conversion mod for the Wing Commander universe taking place in the timeframe of Wing Commander III and IV. The mod is, as the original games, ...

There is a fan-made Wing Commander Saga that can be downloaded from here http://www.wcsaga.com/index.php Technically it is based on the Freespace 2 engine.