

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/6/6 -Hello! This tutorial is an extension of Install/Uninstall PHP Extensions (pun not intended) for users who do not find the PHP extensions they need under Server ...

    2024/3/19 -... Mail\mimeDecode.php on line 627. Someone sent an extremely large attachment and it overflowed the allowed memory it looks like. Rrachelguerra. 19 Mar. Post #2 ...

    2023/12/8 -The following is the error information: Type: 1 File: /usr/local/lib/php/Mail/mimeDecode.php, Line: 419 Message: Out of memory (allocated 212074496) (tried ...

    6日前 -Gitee.com(码云) 是OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持Git 和SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过1200万的开发者选择Gitee。

    2024/2/20 -The two issues after doing the upgrade to 13.2 and PHP 8 are: using the PEAR exertion in Mail of Mail_mimeDecode is unhappy becuase I'm calling it statistically ...

    2023/10/6 -php-mail-mimedecode: Provides a class to decode mime messages, 2504 days in preparation, last activity 1446 days ago. php-xhprof: XHProf is a function-level ...

    2024/4/16 -News and feature lists of Linux and BSD distributions.

    2024/3/1 -ただいま準備中です。 ご案内 · 施設 · 行事 · アルバム · アクセス · 個人情報保護について. 平井こども園. 〒375-0043 群馬県藤岡市東平井1088. TEL:0274-23-3556

    2023/10/6 -php-mail-mimedecode: Provides a class to decode mime messages, 2502 days in preparation, last activity 1444 days ago. php-xhprof: XHProf is a function-level ...

    2024/4/1 -PEAR-Mail_mimeDecode - 1.5.5 (Provides a class to decode mime messages (split from PEAR-Mail_Mime)). PEAR-Math_BigInteger - 1.0.2 (Pure-PHP arbitrary ...