


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/5/30 -Example listing ¶. List of all the examples in the manual. Example#0 - An introductory example · Example#1 - Our first PHP script: hello.php ...

    2024/6/5 -This writeup explains that you can use php filters to generate arbitrary content as output. Which basically means that you can generate arbitrary php code ...

    2024/6/14 -Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors. Code ...

    5日前 -Example #2 php.ini setting for EUC-JP users. ;; Disable Output Buffering output_buffering = Off ;; Set HTTP header charset default_charset = EUC-JP ;; Set ...

    3日前 -The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.

    6日前 -... xml; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); if ( $error ) { echo '<?xml ... EUC-JP, SJIS'; } // No valid uses for UTF-7. if ( false !== strpos( $charset ...

    2024/6/14 -xml files. Run the WorkSpaces Image Checker prior to creating the image and fix all warnings. To keep the image as clean as possible and avoid image capture ...

    2024/5/27 -I want to convert a string from utf-8 to iso-8859-1 in php. (actually I want to remove all characters that are not in the ISO-8859-1 character set). $text = " ...

    2024/6/14 -MapScript PHP · clusterObj (class in mapscript); Collections. OGCAPI. COLOR. CLASS ... EUC-JP · ISO-8859-1 · ISO-8859-2 · LABEL · LAYER, [1] · Shift-JIS · TIS-620 ...

    2024/6/17 -Character encoding is the process of assigning numbers to graphical characters, especially the written characters of human language, allowing them to be ...

    A.まず、利用環境はWindowsでしょうか? Windowsの場合、IMEで変換入力するときに、本来なら波ダッシュ(U+301C)にするところを全角チルダ(U+FF5E)にしてしまいます。 これは...