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  • Web Maker

    1. https://chrome.google.com
    2. webstore
    3. detail
    4. web-maker
    1. https://chrome.google.com
    2. webstore
    3. detail
    4. web-maker

    14時間前 -A blazing fast privacy-first frontend playground that even works offline! This extension provides you with a very easy accessible and offline frontend ...

    13時間前 -Experience fast, free, powerful AI answers daily This extension changes your browser's default search engine to be You.com's traditional search engine ...

    2時間前 -A new project to share idle bandwidth and earn profits, while touching grass, also come to Nodepay to earn your points: https://app.nodepay.ai/register?ref= ...

    Custom AI script (Locale translation) - https://github.com/TheFisola/translate-extension-locale Chrome developer doc ...


    11時間前 -This will become a reusable extensions module. It implements the core parts of Chrome's extension system, and can be used with any host of the content ...

    3時間前 -Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which enables you to ...

    13時間前 -However, its telling me that in order to do so, I need to update my chrome browser. ... extension that I am going to have to buy a new chromebook? ... Go to chrome ...

    17時間前 -I'm looking for an extension that can open all links on a webpage with a certain text in a new tab (not new window). For instance, if a webpage has numerous ...

    Experience Happiness Boss Hub Web: https://bosshub.up.railway.app/ Boss Hub Chrome Browser Extension install: ...

    YouTube-experience happiness