

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 6日前 -: DFM, emelFM; Graphics: mtPaint (raster graphics editor), xzgv (image viewer); Multimedia: gphone, XMMS with MPEG-1 and Video CD (VCD) support; Office: Siag ...

    2024/2/4 -XMMS (MP3, OGG, WMA and CD Music), Dillo web browser, two editors (editor and Nano [Pico clone]), image viewer (Xlview), emelFM (file manager), JWM window ...

    1日前 -i still use emelfm and gtkedit gtk1 apps they work fine and are fun. and why cant we simply " borrow " the browser components from one of the bigger distros

    2024/3/16 -Sometimes packages pull in or change way too much, for example the IceWM edition comes with EmelFM and a custom configuration. This is something I think ...

    2024/2/28 -emelFM (Dateimanager); Naim (textbasierter Instant Messenger); Sylpheed (E-Mail-Programm); Beaver (Texteditor); Xpdf (PDF-Viewer); FLwriter (Textverarbeitung) ...

    2024/2/23 -editor 3개 (Beaver, vim, and Nano "Pico clone". graphics editing and viewing (Xpaint, and xzgv),. Xpdf (PDF Viewer),. emelFM (file manager),. Naim (AIM, ICQ ...

    2024/3/13 -It features a simple interface, flexible filetyping scheme, and a variety of admin tools. It also includes a text processor (Ted), a file manager (emelFM), and ...

    2024/1/29 -emelFM: gestor de archivos. Naim: mensajería. VNCviewer, Rdesktop, servidor y cliente de SSH/SCP: control remoto. Calculadora. Soporte para impresoras y ...

    6日前 -十八书屋提供王妃别逃最新章节《第一百七十一章东方逵的异样》免费在线阅读。

