

2010/10/2 -It depends on how you create it. If the struct is constructed by default-initialization e.g. void foo () { fool_boolen x; // <---.

2017/8/17 -I'd rather use an enum with 'Unknown', 'Has Radio' and 'Doesn't Have Radio'. This way you're covered on your requirements and have room to grow ...

2017/7/12 -This fails on mapper.readValue(..) with: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of com.bol.service ...

Are Boolean values not true/false when using them in a function? ... You probably have null values in your boolean column (I'm assuming ... on community account ...

2017/3/16 -Environment variables with only a key are resolved to their values on ... False|FALSE |on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF. Will be ... Variable SOME_VAR is NOT ...

2020/3/3 -If you are running stuff on the client(the player) it should always be ran from a LocalScript instead of a script. Scrips should only ever ...

2017/8/23 -aweary commented on Aug 23, 2017. To clarify my position, I'm mostly advocating for following the spec for unknown boolean attributes.

2016/11/1 -It only accepts a string. So how could it display a number and a date with no problem, but then choke on a Boolean? It all has to do with ...

This article provides a workaround to use BOOLEAN on JSON fields. ... As the document does not mention anything on ... value 1 to BOOLEAN[SB1](38,0){nullable}.

I'm not sure having boolean makes anything easier. My current project is on SQL Server which has booleans and I'm finding them to be a pain both in use and ...