

2010/5/4 -If you keep scrollling down, you'll see the old one, with the file name NPSWF32.dll. This is the OLD plugin, and you can safely disable it.

NPSWF32.DLL. Download npswf32.dll below to solve your dll problem. We currently have 6 different versions for this file available. Choose wisely. Most ...

Get a copy of NPSWF32.dll and flashplayer.xpt (see the guide for Firefox portable); Place those in the plugins folder; Restart Iron. For Chrome portable (if ...

2011/12/13 -just deploy the app with a copy of the NPSWF32.dll file and the Webkit will run Flash content out of the box. It won't matter if the 'user ...

2012/3/3 -Do a search for NPSWF32.DLL and locate the most recent match on the list... on my system that was in. C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files ...

Note that Flashplayer.xpt is useless, it's only included because it's tiny and some people do look for it. Here is the zip containing NPSWF32.dll (actually now ...

2011/4/25 -dll" and try again (using the system plugin located at "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll"), everything works. But whenever I ...

2010/9/9 -If everything fails, try this: Go to the Iron-Directory and create a folder called "plugins". Then search "flashplayer-win.xpi" and "NPSWF32.dll ...

2009/4/29 -Tip: How to disable or remove annoying Press Esc to exit full screen mode message in Flash Video every time when its going to full screen.

This crash was detected in and was seen in It is currently ranked #40 (based on the relative number of reports in the release).

A.Chrome ではなく、 Internet Explorer を起動して最新版を入手なさってみてください。 バージョン確認ページ http://www.adobe.com/jp/software/

A.お使いのブラウザを変えて、再チャレンジしてください。 ※「Internet Explorer」でダメだったら、「Google Chrome」でしてみてください。 http://gigazine....