


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/5/7 -Based in the world from Child of Chaos this book takes you into the prehistory of Dantess the Great War God warrior and his beginnings in the War Temple. The ...

    ソニーグループは5月23日、2024年の度経営方針説明会にて「Horizon」および「ゴッド・オブ・ウォー(God of War)」の実写映像化を目指していることを明らかにした。 本日実施された経営方針説明会では、ソニーグル...

    GAME Watch-

    カプコンは5月22日(水)より、『ロックマンエグゼ アドバンスドコレクション』が50%オフの2995円(税込、以下同様)で購入できるセールをPlayStation Storeで開催している。本セールでは他にも『ロックマン クラシ...


    2024/4/25 -Take advantage of exclusive web-only deals on Game of War Currency. Get up to 25% additional currency on any pack purchased through the web shop.

    2日前 -It's not hard to tell from the ubiquitous ads for "Game of War: Fire Age," featuring a scantily clad Kate Upton, that it is one of the worst variety of ...

    2024/4/28 -We welcome you to the legendary world of wise Kings, great Lords and valiant Heroes. Walk the exciting path of a city builder and warlord!

    2024/5/6 -Enter your country's guild and vie with players from all over the globe to become the ruler of the universe! - When you download the game now, you'll be one ...

    2024/5/8 -Its WAR WAR WAR!!!! Excellent! Masterpiece! Amazing Story Line. Fabulous Gameplay. Additional weapon of Krytos(Destiny Spear) opens a new level of gameplay.

    2024/4/23 -The game allows them to explore their own version of the trilogy, using uniquely designed card decks representing the strengths and weaknesses of the peoples ...

    Kratos and Atreus battle side by side in God of War: The Board Game, but can David and Ryan play the game well enough for them to survive?

    YouTube-Man vs Meeple

    2日前 -A historic war awaits you in Heroes of War, a thrilling multiplayer game full of death, guns, and destruction! Inspired by the toughest battles of World War ...

    2024/4/30 -Get God of War, action game for PS4 console from the official PlayStation website. Explore God of War game detail, images, videos, reviews and more.

    PC-Videos and screens-Behind the scenes

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