
National feral cat population estimate. Feral cats in the bush – 1.4 million after continent-wide droughts and 5.6 million after extensive wet periods ...

Feral cats - DCCEEW

  1. https://www.dcceew.gov.au
  2. invasive-species
  3. feral-cats
  1. https://www.dcceew.gov.au
  2. invasive-species
  3. feral-cats

2023/12/12 -Map showing locations of feral cats in Australia From Assessing Invasive Animals in Australia (2008) National Land & Water Resources Audit, ...

A specific requirement for monitoring feral cats in Australia is the ability to estimate the proportional reduction in the abundance of feral cats achieved by a ...

2023/1/18 -In 2015, the Australian government pledged to reduce the feral cat population in the country by one-third (about 2 million cats) by 2020.

2020/3/16 -We estimate that feral cats in natural landscapes kill about 470 million reptiles per year (almost all native species), and the total Australian ...

The overall population estimate for Australia's feral cats (in natural and highly modified environments), ... Uncertainty in (a) the total feral cat population, ...

This Chapter considers how feral and domestic cats are defined under state and territory legislation, their prevalence across Australia and impact on ...

The overall population estimate for Australia's feral cats (in natural and highly modified environments), fluctuating between 2.1 and 6.3 million, is lower than ...

How estimates are calculated. We have estimated the toll of cats on native (and introduced) animal species by: (i) collating all the local and regional cat diet ...

2021/3/17 -The final report found that every year, each individual feral cat in Australia kills 390 mammals, 225 reptiles and 130 birds. That adds up.