

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/3/10 -PHP Version: PHP 4.0.0 or newer; PEAR Package: PEAR Installer 1.6.0 or newer; PEAR Package: Mail_mimeDecode. 1.5.0a1. Easy Install.

    2024/3/6 -If there are multiple headers with the same name (eg. Received: ) then the value is a numerically indexed array of each of the header values.

    2024/7/3 -Php fatal error loading 'Mail/mimeDecode' even with php-pear install · 1 · PEAR Mail error seems to crash the server (php-fpm) : 504 Bad gateway · 2 · How to ...

    2024/5/8 -Remove all pear dependencies: HTTP_Request2, Mail_mime, and Mail_mimeDecode. Use Guzzle as underlying http client library. Update storage REST API version ...

    2024/5/20 -php-pear-Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6-lp156.2.2.noarch.rpm · 3/15/2024, 7:12 AM · 21.4 kB · php-pear-Mail-2.0.0-lp156.2.2.noarch.rpm · 3/15/2024, 7:14 AM · 29.8 kB.

    2024/5/2 -... Mail_mimeDecode($pop->getMsg($loop)); $params['include_bodies'] = true; //ボディを解析する $params['decode_bodies'] = true; //ボディをコード変換する $params ...

    2024/2/20 -The two issues after doing the upgrade to 13.2 and PHP 8 are: using the PEAR exertion in Mail of Mail_mimeDecode is unhappy becuase I'm calling it statistically ...

    2024/3/29 -php-mail-mimedecode. Bookworm & Bullseye:(1.5.5-3) Provides a class to decode mime messages www. php-mailparse. Bookworm:(3.1.4+2.1.7~dev20160128-1+b2 ...

    2024/5/27 -Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.0.tgz, 2007-06-18 00:27, 9.1K. [ ], Module-Pluggable-3.5.tar.gz, 2007-01-30 01:13, 14K. [ ], OOo_2.4.0rc6_20080314_LinuxIntel_langpack_en-GB ...

    2024/6/7 -じゃがいも畑(2024.06.07). 今日はみんなで長靴に履き替えて、とある畑へ。 じゃがいも掘りに行ってきました! 赤ちゃんじゃがいも、お父さんじゃがいも、.