

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/3/6 -If there are multiple headers with the same name (eg. Received: ) then the value is a numerically indexed array of each of the header values.

    2024/3/10 -PHP Version: PHP 4.0.0 or newer; PEAR Package: PEAR Installer 1.6.0 or newer; PEAR Package: Mail_mimeDecode. 1.5.0a1. Easy Install.

    2024/5/2 -... Mail_mimeDecode($pop->getMsg($loop)); $params['include_bodies'] = true; //ボディを解析する $params['decode_bodies'] = true; //ボディをコード変換する $params ...

    2023/10/21 -秋の大運動会(2023.10.21). 秋晴れの今日、秋の大運動会が開催されました。 年長・年中組の子ども達の和太鼓が、開催の合図を奏でます!

    2023/11/16 -How to use Azure Blob Storage modules by PHP · Remove all the pear dependencies including HTTP_Request2, Mail_mime, and Mail_mimeDecode. · "container" - get the ...

    2024/3/24 -PHP 利用Mail_MimeDecode类提取邮件信息示例 · 在这个例子中,`$str = $this->uesr_data($mail);` 可能是对邮件内容进行进一步处理,如提取关键信息或过滤不必要的内容 ...

    2024/5/2 -... Mail_mimeDecode($pop->getMsg($loop)); $params['include_bodies'] = true; //ボディを解析する $params['decode_bodies'] = true; //ボディをコード変換する $params ...

    2024/5/8 -Remove all pear dependencies: HTTP_Request2, Mail_mime, and Mail_mimeDecode. Use Guzzle as underlying http client library. Update storage REST API version ...

    2024/7/3 -Php fatal error loading 'Mail/mimeDecode' even with php-pear install · 1 · PEAR Mail error seems to crash the server (php-fpm) : 504 Bad gateway · 2 · How to ...

    2023/12/8 -The following is the error information: Type: 1 File: /usr/local/lib/php/Mail/mimeDecode.php, Line: 419 Message: Out of memory (allocated 212074496) (tried ...