

A data table is a collection of one or more data columns, which can be plotted as a graph, histogram, or scatter plot. The current data pipeline may output ...

A scatter plot consists of one data point per input element (e.g. particle, bond, etc.). The first property determines the X-coordinates and the second property ...

Conversely, two particles will belong to different clusters if there is no such continuous path connecting the two particles on the neighbor graph. ../../../ ...

2023/9/15 -When I remove the statement import ovito , the code runs successfully and plots the graph. I am not using conda. Could you please let me ...

2009/12/15 -The Open Visualization Tool (OVITO) is a new 3D visualization software designed for post-processing atomistic data obtained from molecular ...

Cluster graph. The atomic clusters form an abstract adjacency graph, which is built up by the algorithm. For example, a bicrystal with two grains separated ...

The Open Visualization Tool (OVITO) is a new 3D visualization software designed for post-processing atomistic data obtained from molecular dynamics or Monte ...

Recorded 19 April 2023. Alexander Stukowski and Daniel Utt of OVITO GmbH present "Scaling up Atomistic Simulations: Bridging the Gap to ...

YouTube-Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)

2016/11/17 -A scientific data visualization and analysis software for atomistic simulation models.

2018/2/20 -How to generate animation movies using OVITO (scientific data visualization and analysis software for atomistic simulation models)? I ...