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    15時間前 -The controversy surrounding the political status of Taiwan or the Taiwan issue is an ongoing dispute on the political status of Taiwan, currently controlled ...

    8時間前 -The Second Sino-Japanese War was the war fought between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from 1937 to 1945 as part of World War II.

    8時間前 -You can create visual novel with low-code editor downloaded from https://openwebgal.com , and use game/tiddlywiki.files to include the game into a wiki.

    21時間前 -計算式まとめ† · 能力値† · 与ダメージ/被ダメージ† · クリティカル確率† · 命中率† · 回避率† · 命中率下限/上限 (最小命中率・最小回避率・最大回避率・固定回避)† · 経験値増加 ...

    12時間前 -mako is thai. they cut their own hair whenever it gets too long and refuses to let lilypad help. so it always looks really horrific. lilypad is Something.

    30分前 -Comprehensive League of Legends (LOL) wiki with articles covering everything from champions, to strategies, to tournaments, to competitive players and ...

    15時間前 -All new VIP version of WIKI comes with upgraded gear ratio, arm length and T handle !! * With Docking system. * High drag non-stuck after long time using . * ...

    7時間前 -勝利の女神:NIKKE wiki JP http://wiki3.jp/nikke 背景が黒い有志wikiです(公式ではありません) Twitterは調べ物とかメモ書きに使っていますFF外、巻き込み ...

    21時間前 -We are the nonprofit that hosts @Wikipedia, working to create a world where every human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Join the movement!