


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/8/29 -Navigate to the Preferences panel in Cocos Creator by clicking the File -> Preferences menu. From there go to the Program Manager page and configure the Android ...

    2024/7/30 -Using org.cocos2dx.lib, I have successfully ported it to Android in Android Studio. However, I'm encountering a crash issue that only occurs on Android 14 (SDK ...

    2024/6/27 -The Adjust Android SDK enables you to record attribution, events, and more in your Cocos2d-x app. Follow the steps in this guide to set up your app to work with ...

    2024/8/30 -Cocos Creator is a new type of game development tool oriented towards content creation that has completely integrated the componentized edition Cocos2d-x WEB.

    2024/7/15 -apiLevel升级34后,编译安卓报错。 WARNING:We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin to use compileSdk = 34 This Android Gra…

    2024/5/18 -For those who don't know, Cocos2d-x was discontinued in 2019 and no longer receives updates. Luckily, Axmol is up to date and supports newer devices and ...

    A.2.x → 3.xへの移行 SSL1.0レガシー化問題 CocosStudioの突然削除 GoogleがEclipseのADTサポートを終了しAndroid側の開発環境が整備されない問題 みた...

    A.回答ではありませんが、私も全く同じ環境で cocos2d-x 3.9 のサンプルが強制終了してしまうという問題に悩まされています。 Windows版とiOS版のサンプルは実機で正常に動作を確認...

    A.http://kambayashia.hatenablog.com/entry/2012/07/30/234554 ここが参考になると思います。 scheduleメソッドでループに使用する関...

    2024/5/27 -While I was searching for a solution, I found Axmol Engine, an updated and maintained fork of Cocos2d-x, on which SpriteKit is originally based. The good ...

    2024/7/31 -How can i change the entire speed (timing) of a android game made with cocos2dx? i'm making reverse engineering on a android game made with cocos2dx library, ...

    2024/7/21 -Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe.

    4日前 -Cocos2d-x. Basically, it supports various platforms such as Windows , macOS , Linux , Android , and iOS . However, support for the PC side ...