


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 3日前 -Navigate to the Preferences panel in Cocos Creator by clicking the File -> Preferences menu. From there go to the Program Manager page and configure the Android ...

    android: Cocos2d-x installed application can't be launched on android Thanks for taking the time to learn more. In this video I'll go through your question, ...

    YouTube-Luke Chaffey

    3日前 -Before using Cocos Creator to bundle and publish games to native platforms, you need to configure related cocos2d-x development environment first. Android ...

    2024/1/23 -My fragment shader for a mobile game in cocos2dx works on iOS, but does not work as expected on Android and I'm out of ideas. The idea: u_texture is the input ...

    2024/1/15 -Cocos2d is an open-source game development framework for creating 2D games and other graphical software for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, HarmonyOS, ...

    2024/1/12 -fix the bug that ect1 texture lost on android. #20762 opened on Dec 16, 2022 by Canon0223. Crash in cocos2dx game 3.17.2. #20760 opened on Dec 2, 2022 by ashK7.

    2024/4/20 -It is based on cocos2d-iphone, but instead of using Objective-C, it uses C++. It works on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and Linux. Cocos2d-x Framework ...

    2023/12/13 -Hello Everyone,. We are developing a game for Android mobile web browsers using CocosCreator 3.6.1. Which is working fine in Android mobile Chrome versions ...

    2024/5/18 -Now Axmol supports mobile (iOS, Android), desktop (Windows, macOS), and also UWP (Xbox) and WebAssembly, so it's a proper multi-platform engine (although ...

    2024/2/1 -First lets unzip the apk, in assets/pubsrc we get a bunch of .luax files, opening them with text editor shows encoded strings, these are most likely the ...

    A.2.x → 3.xへの移行 SSL1.0レガシー化問題 CocosStudioの突然削除 GoogleがEclipseのADTサポートを終了しAndroid側の開発環境が整備されない問題 みた...

    A.http://kambayashia.hatenablog.com/entry/2012/07/30/234554 ここが参考になると思います。 scheduleメソッドでループに使用する関...