


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内


    2024/3/28 -Other companies driving innovation with V2G technology include Ford, Toyota, and Volkswagen, all of which are running V2G pilot programs with utility providers.

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    2024/4/23 -Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) enables electricity to be drawn from electric vehicles (EVs) and sent back to the grid when additional electricity is needed. Vehicle-to- ...

    2024/3/12 -VW's Complicated Global Landscape. Australia is considering updating its vehicle efficiency standards to include penalties based on emission-intensive imports.

    2024/5/3 -Pit+Paddock teams up with H&R to host a special Grid Icons curated car show in Los Angeles to celebrate Volkswagen and Audi builds from the '80s, '90s and '00s.

    2024/3/29 -VW, Cupra, Hundai, Kia... seems to be betting on DC bi-directional charging (which is good to avoid multiple conversions) while Renault with its Renault 5 (and ...

    2024/3/25 -VW and BMW focus on a DC solution, and Renault focuses on AC. So, where is the journey heading? Jan Figgener, one of the heads of the Vehicle-to-grid, Vehicle- ...

    2024/5/3 -Mehraeen said that with a smart grid there is two-way communication, whereas a traditional power grid only has one-way communication. Wolfgang Maluche Vw.

    2024/5/1 -Don't miss the EV-ready grid panel discussion at the #EVChargingExpo2024 with VW Group Canada Inc., @OntEnergyBoard, @PowerAdvisory, @NACFE_Freight as they ...

    2024/4/20 -A recent study has found that, so far, EVs are having a salutary effect on the grid, saving ratepayers billions of dollars on their electricity bills. The...

    A.問題点とすれば、設備をすべて整えようとすると高額・・・という事でしょうね。仮に、電気の発電で「元が取れる」としても、元手は必要で、簡単に購入には踏み切れないでしょう。 例えば私個人で見れば「太...
