

  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 4日前 -サモン・ラット, 25, 10, 打, ザコ敵「ジャイアント・ラット」のドロップシャード怪鼠「ジャイアント・ラット」を召喚して敵にけしかけるランク:活動時間アップ(R1:約3秒 ...

    , I'll show you where to find the SINKER ... Another Crab's Treasure SINKER Stowaway location ... Before You Summon ANY Character...Watch These Essential Wuthering ...


    6日前 -サモンシンカー.png サモンシンカー, +10+α, SyncLvに応じて増加. 遺宝, 14_soullinkskill.png ガーディアンブレス - ソウルイーター, +x, プレイヤーステータス増加敵 ...

    2024/5/11 -Summon an eel that shocks and stuns enemies. Defeat Voltai. Another Crab ... Sinker Stowaway. Deal 20% more Balance Damage. Purchased from shops. The Martyoshka ...

    2024/5/15 -I'm day one F2P and was enjoying how fun the game was for both spenders and non spenders alike. Disgusting how the goal was to hook line and sinker players.

    5日前 -For those dealing physical damage, preferred stowaways could include Sinker, Shark Tooth+, or Rusty Nail, and for magic users, Anemone, Phytoplankton, and ...

    2024/5/15 -Bloodthirsty monster, sinker of ships, drowner of sailors. That's what you people think. [An eye peeks through it before the creature swims away. It then ...

    2024/5/3 -He allowed one run, in the fourth inning, making back-to-back mistakes on location, leaving a sinker ... summon Cody Bolton from the pen, who promptly fell ...

    1日前 -Hook, line and sinker as the Humans would say. “Worship his ball's baby, make ... Ek'lara could not summon any words, her trembling hand falling to her belly.

    2024/5/6 -... summon; call on; ask for ⒜ N + éex̱ + O-S ... summon O. call out ⑴ √eexʼ | call out; yess out; shout; holler ... sinker(s) for a net || ⒟ óon g̱eiwú; óon ...