
統計学において、ホルム=ボンフェローニ法(ホルム=ボンフェローニほう、英: HolmBonferroni method)は、多重比較問題に対抗するために使われる手法である。

In statistics, the Holm–Bonferroni method, also called the Holm method or BonferroniHolm method, is used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons.

The Holm-Bonferroni Method (also called Holm's Sequential Bonferroni Procedure) is a way to deal with familywise error rates (FWER) for multiple hypothesis ...

Holm法は小さいp値から順番に検討していくのに対して、BH法は大きいp値から検討をしていきます。Familywise error rateを調整する場合とFalse discovery rateを調整する ...

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing Trevor Hastie, Professor of Statistics and Biomedical ...

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The second test is tested with a Bonferroni correction involving one less test and so on for the remaining tests. Holm's approach is more pow- erful than the ...

The Bonferroni procedure is the most widely recommended way of doing this, but another procedure, that of Holm, is uniformly better. Researchers may have ...

TABLE 1-Bonferroni- and Holm-Adjusted P Values in a Comparison of. Skin Levels of Vitamin E. Bonferroni-Adjusted. Holm-Adjusted. Comparison. Mean Difference. P.

2018/7/20 -Specifically, the Holm-Bonferroni method is an approach that controls the probability that one or more type I errors will be adjusted, using ...

Whereas in the Bonferroni correction all values are thresholded relative to a/k, the Holm's method utilizes α/k, α/k−1,…,α. Therefore, the probability of ...

