


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/9/3 -The solverIterations determines how accurately Rigidbody joints and collision contacts are resolved. Overrides Physics.defaultSolverIterations. Must be positive ...

    2024/9/3 -The defaultSolverIterations determines how accurately Rigidbody joints and collision contacts are resolved. (default 6). Must be positive.

    2024/6/2 -Lowering solver iterations to a count that still results in acceptable simulation fidelity will help a lot with performance.

    2024/4/23 -Each physics actor in Omniverse specifies its own solver iteration count. The solver takes the number of iterations specified by the actor with the highest ...

    2024/6/5 -Using 1 iteration per substep may result in unconverged solutions for nonlinear analysis and the program may not indicate divergence in this case.

    2024/7/31 -[Read-Only] Position Solver Iteration Count: [PhysX Only] This physics body's solver iteration count for position. Increasing this will be more CPU intensive, ...

    2024/6/6 -The solver iteration count determines how accurately contacts, drives, and limits are resolved. Search for Solver Iteration Count in PhysX docs for more details ...

    2024/4/26 -SVDSetTolerances. Sets the tolerance and maximum iteration count used by the default SVD convergence testers. Synopsis. #include "slepcsvd.h" PetscErrorCode ...

    19時間前 -To solve these challenges, we propose a learning-based iterative solver for constrained optimization which can obtain very fast and accurate solutions by ...

    2024/7/31 -[Read-Only] [PhysX Only] This physics body's solver iteration count for position. Increasing this will be more CPU intensive, but better stabilized. Type. ( ...