

Initializes the window-creation parameter record when the form window is created. The CreateWnd method calls CreateParams to initialize the parameters it ...

2015/3/31 -The simplest solution is to pass the parameter to the form in its constructor, rather than wait until it has finished being created.

Delphi. procedure CreateParams(var Params ... CreateParams fills in the parameter that is passed as the value of the Params parameter. ... CreateParams to change ...

Having made the child Windows of my application appear on the taskbar by overriding the CreateParams method like so: procedure TChildForm.

CreateParam creates a new TParam instance with datatype equal to fldType , Name equal to ParamName and sets its ParamType property to ParamType . The parameter ...

2013/9/29 -I override TForm.CreateParams .but I found excute order is first:B then A .B------>A So CreateParams do not take effect. in delphi it excute ...

2009/8/12 -In this demo we'll create a new transparent group box ( TGroupBoxEx ) and, to demonstrate a transparent TGraphicControl s, a new transparent ...

CreateParams is an inherited procedure that wraps the WinAPI functions CreateWindow and CreateWindowEx that are responsible for a window's initial appearance.

2005/2/2 -procedure TForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); if Assigned(Application.MainForm) then begin

2011/1/11 -Delphi app alone? This is not for a system ... > Delphi app alone? ... Override your Form2 CreateParams method like below. TForm2 = class(TForm)