


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 4日前 -根據《太陽報》報導,瑪丹娜先前飽受自己身體狀況困擾,除了膝蓋的傷勢之外,臀部也有舊傷,她也坦言自從受傷之後每天都會花上6個小時進行復健,先前取消演唱會也是因為 ...

    17時間前 -She's a self made woman who has been at the top of her game for 25 years and she is still kicking ass, encouraging people to dream big, work hard, to read a ...

    6日前 -Madonna has made a country choir's dreams come true, sharing their video performing one of her hits with her 19.8 million followers on Instagram.

    6日前 -美國天后瑪丹娜Madonna)日前驚傳嚴重細菌感染,昏迷後送往加護病房接受治療,全球巡演也跟著喊卡,好在她於6月底已經出院回家,並於昨(11日)也在發文報平安, ...

    10時間前 -Madonna Postpones 'Celebration' Tour After 'Serious Bacterial Infection'. The 64-year-old pop icon was hospitalized for several days and remains under medical ...

    6時間前 -63歲「流行女皇」瑪丹娜Madonna)入行逾40年,樂壇地位崇高,至今仍活躍幕前,尤其近年迷上抖音、美顏APP,常更新社群軟體與粉絲互動。不過對整型執迷不悟的她, ...

    10時間前 -The 30-year-old Celebrity House Mexico winner and social media star joined the Queen of Pop on Tuesday night (April 23) at the latest Celebration Tour stop at ...

    23時間前 -Social Media Madonna is BACK ! “What's one thing you wish people understood about you more? - Nothing nothing, no. Fuck you !” Madonna uses an abstract from a ...

    10時間前 -The official athletics website for the Madonna University Crusaders.

    Men's Basketball-Softball-Baseball-Football

    3日前 -The Frida Kahlo Museum has clarified that Madonna didn't wear clothes from its collection for one of her Instagram posts.