

  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 3日前 -I'm trying to emulate my Raspberry Pi 5 as a USB Gadget camera, but I've run into a problem: I can't create files or directories in /sys/kernel/config/ ...

    Linux USB - Patchwork

    1. https://patchwork.kernel.org
    2. project
    3. linux-usb
    4. list
    1. https://patchwork.kernel.org
    2. project
    3. linux-usb
    4. list

    3日前 -Toggle navigation. Patchwork Linux USB. Patches · Bundles · About this project · Login · Register · Mail settings. Show patches with: State = Action ...

    9時間前 -Hi libusb team, I'm currently utilizing libusb version 1.0.27 for stream transfer with my USB device (SanDisk SSD) on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS .

    20時間前 -It shows up on my pfsense test box as ugen3.2 and according to usbconfig, it has three USB descriptor configs which seem to be: Config 0: Propriatary USB class, ...

    4日前 -Simplified the USB descriptor for the Tesira EX-UBT for better interoperability with soft codecs. Resolved Software Issues: Fixed installation error that ...

    5日前 -Override identification constants in the USB Device Descriptor. If passed, manufacturer and product must be ASCII strings (or buffers) of at most 126 characters ...

    1日前 -一.前言. 本文介绍UVC的非压缩帧格式,并分享测试实例。分享支持NV12和RGB888和Y800的实例,同时分享整个UVC+UAC+CDC的实例的配置描述符。

    2日前 -Location. A geographic, organizational, or other location descriptor for the person ... read-only access community name. Specifies the read-only community string ...

    6日前 -Welcome to the Quectel Download Zone! Please use the search bar and filters to find the files you need to support your use of our products.

    2日前 -... string (e.g., ... This will be the unique key, name, or descriptor to identify a [FISMA] system for future ... The malware instance or family was delivered via USB ...