


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 1日前 -The Bonferroni correction is a method used to address the problem of multiple comparisons. When conducting multiple statistical tests simultaneously, the chance ...

    1日前 -Question: Bonferroni Corrections is one example of a way to address multiple comparisons [1]. In order to avoid a lot of spurious positives, the threshold ...

    4日前 -Answer Created with AI. 23 hours ago. The Bonferroni procedure is a statistical method used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons. It is a post ...

    1日前 -It is an Italian-originated surname that is used globally. Add a meaning Cancel ...

    1日前 -- Binomial modifications of Bonferroni test increase power significantly. - Binomial tests recommend rejecting null hypothesis with lower significance levels.

    3日前 -Bonferroni correction is a common adjustment method to address the multiple testing problem. It applies a correction based on the number of tests performed ...

    3日前 -Click "Post Hoc". Within the "One-Way ANOVA: Post Hoc Multiple Comparison" window select "Bonferroni" ... Post hoc comparisons were conducted using the Bonferroni ...

    4日前 -This is a. Bonferroni-based method and is slightly conservative; see p.adjust. wtcon.emmc generates weighted contrasts based on the function contrMat function ...

    2日前 -We calculate confidence intervals and means using confint and mean. Bonferroni multiple comparisons test. We use the LSD.test function from the library ...

    1日前 -... Bonferroni correction. We evaluated associations between pernicious anaemia and other conditions. A meta-analysis of published prospective studies and ours ...


    統計学において、ボンフェローニ補正(ボンフェローニほせい、Bonferroni correction)は、多重比較問題に対抗するために使われるいくつかの手法のうちの1つである。-Wikipedia