

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 古いページでは補正値が[耐久][硬度][突き][斬り][物防][魔防][魔攻][敏捷][命中][回避][Cri]の順になっていることがあります。

    Tale Wiki - LINK-先行情報-Item/防具/兜-ステータス


    Skill†. 鯨波:範囲内のモンスターの注意を引く。 対象のモンスターが、スキルを使ったプレイヤーを狙いやすくなる。 ひきつける効果はかなり強力。

    Fairy Tale is the third studio album by Japanese recording artist Mai Kuraki. It was released on October 23, 2002 under Giza Studio label.

    The concept of a characteristic genre derives from the idea that each Tales game is a unique experience not shared by any other game in the role-playing game ...

    Premise · World Famous Fairy Tale Series · The World of Hans Christian Andersen · The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots · Hans Christian Andersen's The Little ...

    2018/8/27 -No. Track Title, Track Title (JP), Duration. 1, an Endless tale. Wada Kouji & AiM, an Endless tale 和田 光司 & AiM, 3:42.

    2024/3/28 -Curated Tale Series · Tag Search. Random. SCP | Tale | GOI | Art · Random Page. black ... Other interesting sites. 撲殺食堂 Wiki. 年中無休. Wiki.

    2021/11/20 -Is it normal for this game to crash as much as it does? After awhile of playing or if i go afk for a few minutes and return, there's a good ...

    Heart warming tale kyosaya christmas raw fanart.jpg · Girls turn into witches on new year.jpg. Say homu homu.jpg. No tanks needed.png. Kyomami looking at her ...