


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/10/21 -Forward Error Correction (FEC): FEC mode of the interface. Select a mode from the list. The options shown depend on the appliance model. To use the ...

    2024/10/21 -Forward Error Correction (FEC): FEC mode of the interface. Select a mode from the list. The options shown depend on the appliance model. To use the ...

    2024/10/31 -Beginning with PAN-OS 11.1.5, you can use NPTv6 with dynamically assigned IPv6 address prefixes; this solution addresses both use cases. (NPTv6 already ...

    2024/10/18 -Specifies the IPv6 address for the interface instance. Ensure that the management CLIP IP address does not fall into the range of a configured VLAN IP address ...

    2024/10/17 -To set Forward Error Correction (FEC) for 25 Gbps and higher interfaces, use the fec command in interface configuration mode.

    2024/10/29 -Arista switches support Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for routing packets across network boundaries.

    2024/10/29 -Display the network configuration for each network device on the appliance. Verbose mode also includes detailed capability information for each device.

    2024/10/22 -To automatically assign IPv6 addresses through DHCPv6, select Enable DHCPv6. Note: If enabled, DHCPv6 will be used to configure DNS settings. To automatically ...

    2024/10/22 -When you set the FEC to Auto on the Secure Firewall 3100 fixed ports, the default type is now set to Clause 108 RS-FEC instead of Clause 74 FC-FEC for 25 GB+ SR ...

    2024/11/1 -To enhance IP address assignment for mobile users, you can now use location groups and user groups as a criteria, in addition to theater and User-ID. In ...