

Get the instance of MDB2 associated with the module instance. Class Details ... getOne [line 345]. scalar|MDB2_Error getOne( string $query, [string $type ...

The MDB2_Result_Common object provides two methods for fetching data from rows of a result set: fetchOne(), fetchRow(), fetchCol() and fetchAll().

2021/3/11 -Executes the SQL and returns the first column of the first row. The recordset and remaining rows are discarded for you automatically.

2012/4/13 -I have manually included the /usr/share/php/MDB2/Extended.php file in the file where the MDB2_Driver_mysql class is defined, and that didn't ...

2019/8/21 -In the below examples, $db will refer to the database object that was returned from MDB2 ... getOne( $qry ); </source> to: <source lang="php"> $ ...

2023/2/1 -When your repository extends Spring Data JPA's JpaRepository, it inherits the methods findById, getOne, getById, and findOne. Based on their ...

2023/9/23 -getOne : It is mostly used for retrieving a reference (proxy) to an entity without actually loading its attributes from the database until they ...

2020/1/20 -getOne(): returns a reference to the entity with the given identifier. getOne internally invokes EntityManager.

getOne. @Deprecated public T getOne(ID id). Deprecated. Description copied from interface: JpaRepository. Returns a reference to the entity with the given ...

If you specify a projection parameter, findOne() returns a document that only contains the projection fields. The _id field is always included unless you ...
