

2023/2/14 -The framework calls this member function after the window's size has changed. afx_msg void OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy);. Parameters.

2012/12/19 -I have added a menu-bar and a toolbar and lots of other controls. The paned window is re-sizable. Now for the re-sizable window, I have override ...

2022/10/16 -Called by the framework when a pop-up menu is enabled. CFrameWndEx::OnSize, The framework calls this method after the frame's size changes.

Hi, In my VC++ MFC applcaiton,i have different views.And in each view,when i maximize it,i changed the size and position to new thing(Normally it fully get ...

... OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy ); Parameter Description <nType> Specifies the type of resizing requested. This parameter can be one of the following ...

2002/3/20 -Force OnSize? ... SizeList is a function to size the column headers of the listctrl. This code works fine. My problem is the startup of the dialog ...

CWnd::OnSize ... Specifies the type of resizing requested. This parameter can be one of the following values: ... Specifies the new width of the client area.

2005/8/14 -Add layout management of controls to a CWnd or CDialog using a C++ helper class ... OnSize() call. A typical // value for the step size might be 5 ...

2009/5/2 -This OnSize function resizes one large control in a dialog. The one control grows horizontally and vertically to fill the dialog.

2021/2/9 -// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // ... OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CDockablePane::OnSize(nType, cx ...