

Android NDK: choose the ndk-bundle folder in Android SDK Location path we just noted in Android Studio SDK Manager window. You can skip this if you don't need ...

2020/7/10 -Open your project then on the top panel click on Project → Build. OR just use (Ctrl+Shift+B) shortcut to open the Build Panel. Do a further ...

2024/5/29 -First install Android Studio. Download the SDK and NDK required to publish the Android platform ​. After installing Android Studio, refer to the ...

2021/5/16 -What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':idiomGameTest:generateJsonModelRelease'. Build command failed. Error while executing process E:\ ...

2022/11/22 -Having trouble with initial setup build for android. Using windows 10. I am attempting to run the cpp-tests like in the programmer ...

2020/11/10 -Some problems may occur when the APM SDK is integrated into a Cocos-based app and during app release ... Cause: The Android NDK and Android SDK ...

2023/1/18 -Android SDK & NDK 下载完成后,打开Cocos Creator 主菜单-> 偏好设置-> 外部程序,分别设置配置NDK、SDK 路径。

2017/2/27 -Hmm, it seems you are not reading the errors. First: Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: D:\cocos2d-x-3.14.1.

2023/8/15 -Cocos Creator is a cross-platform game engine used by many developers all over the world. It helps you create 2D and 3D games and ...

2016/11/8 -Cocos Creatorに触る機会があって、Hello Worldプロジェクトを試してみたが、Androidのコンパイルでいきなり躓いたので、その時の解決方法です。