


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/4/10 -21.1. Disabling DNS processing in the NetworkManager configuration · 21.2. Replacing /etc/resolv.conf with a symbolic link to manually configure DNS settings.

    2023/12/5 -So, let's stop Network Manager from managing DNS lookups. For this, we change the main configuration file of Network Manager. First, we open the file at /etc/ ...

    2024/6/22 -Goal: use DNS servers obtained from the DHCP server:RHEL will by default (so unmodified RHEL deployments) overwrite /etc/resolv.confas soon as any network ...

    2023/9/14 -Description of problem: With Network Manager disabled, PEERDNS setting "no" must prevent resolv.conf being overwritten for any manual editing.

    2024/4/20 -It's responsible for translating machine names into IP addresses. In this tutorial, we'll explain multiple ways to configure DNS in the Linux operating system.

    2023/7/18 -The configuration file resolv.conf at /etc/resolv.conf contains information that allows a computer connected to a network to resolve names into addresses. (Note ...

    A.今は、ネットワークの設定は、 NetworkManager でやっています。 /etc/resolv.conf /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx

    A.RedHat系のLinuxをご使用かと推測するのですが、iptablesの設定はどのようにされているでしょうか。起動時にスクリプトで設定する方法や /etc/sysconfig/iptables

    A.かなり奇妙奇天烈です。 Default gateway を自分自身にしても意味がありません。 これは、間違った設定なので OS が賢かったら、設定を無視するのかもしれません。 Wan に dhcp

    2023/8/28 -So there is VM with network and without DNS. I created simple profile for ... ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo. The text was updated ...

    2024/1/24 -I wanted to set static DNS servers on a few machines running different distros and versions. It's a headache. I was able to set the DNS servers by…

    2023/9/18 -I'm not sure how to get DNS search domains to appear in resolv.conf in Rocky 9. In Rocky 8 this was configured in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts interface ...

    2023/12/18 -In RHEL 9, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts (also known as ifcfg files) will no longer be the primary storage for network configuration files.