


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/6/27 -Microsoft provides a set of proprietary device classes and USB descriptors, which are called Microsoft OS Descriptors (MODs).

    2024/7/26 -A Descriptor contains information like type of the device, Vendor ID, Compliant USB Version, number of configurations device supports, number of endpoints, ...

    2024/6/21 -Started having this error when the USB i plugged in isn't working out of nowhere. It says code 43 in the properties when I checked it in the Device Manager.

    2024/7/19 -How to Change USB Device Descriptor in Device Manager for STM32 USB CDC FS · How can I change the device descriptor to show a custom name in the Device Manager?

    2024/7/1 -The USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a device descriptor. The following table describes the possible registry entries for the vvvvpppprrrr key. The USB ...

    2024/7/5 -The USB 3.0 and the USB 2.0 LPM specifications define a new descriptor called the Binary Device Object Store (BOS) descriptor. This descriptor contains ...

    A.補足拝見しました。Onboard Devicesが無いと言っていることは、HDDのマスターブートレコード(MBR)が破損していて、HDDからOSを読めなくなっている可能性があります。当時のDEL...

    A.ch.ntb.inf.libusbJava.* ではなく、ch.ntb.usb.* ではありませんか? 後者であれば、最新版は ch.ntb.usb-0.5.9.jar のようです。 http...

    A.追記 あーもしかしてOSはVistaですか? vistaだとどうなんだろうか・・・ https://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/ja-JP/Help/32...

    2024/7/24 -The device descriptor request failed error is a generic unknown USB problem, so it's reasonable to suspect a driver issue at present.

    2024/8/29 -Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard that allows data exchange and delivery of power between many types of electronics.

    USB hardware-USB-C-USB communications-USB hub

    2024/7/13 -This error occurs when Windows is unable to recognize a connected USB device. One of the most effective solutions is to update or reinstall USB drivers.

    Hi friends, This video tutorial is about "How ToFix USB Device Not Recognized Error | Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) 2024".

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