


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/8/9 -In engineering, master–slave is a relationship between two systems in which one controls the other. In some cases one master controls just one slave system, ...

    2024/5/14 -Master-Slave Architecture is a design in computing where one central unit, called the master, controls and directs the operation of multiple subordinate units, ...

    2024/3/14 -The MISO, or master-in-slave-out, is the serial data entering into the master from the slaves. The CS, or chip select, is an active low control signal from the ...

    2024/6/30 -SS/CS (Slave Select or Chip Select) - This line is used to indicate to the slave that the master want its attention (selects it to communicate). There are other ...

    2024/6/24 -SS/CS (Slave Select/Chip Select). In SPI communication, data is sent and received simultaneously over the MOSI and MISO lines. For instance, in a digital audio ...

    2024/7/2 -This driver supports master mode and slave modes. Detailed below are its use two slaves - EEPROM and flash. HW IP Features. Master mode; Slave Mode; All SPI ...

    A.RAIDのときは、HDDのジャンパは、ぜんぶマスターにするか、外すかのどちらかです CSというのは、マスターとスレイブを自動設定のピンですが、専用のケーブルが必要になりますね JBODとは、R...

    A.DS(master)はひとつのIDEケーブルのマスターとして使う場合です。Primaryのケーブルにつながっていれば普通はCドライブになります。 DS(SLAVE)は、同じケーブルで2番目のドライブ

    A.一部の対応表をリンクしておきます、基本的に大丈夫でしょうが、入れるOSによって※印の注意事項が変わります。 http://kb2.adobe.com/jp/cps/645/6457.html h...

    2024/3/19 -Overview: CS: Cable Select was introduced as an alternative to the Master/Slave drive configuration method commonly used in IDE or ATA systems in the past.

    2024/5/4 -My goal is to control the drive systems via REST API. I believe that I have understood the basic concepts of the API and of the data layer.

    2024/7/26 -The master-slave paradigm finds important applications in parallel computer scheduling, semiconductor testing, machine scheduling, transportation, maintenance.

    2024/8/25 -Four slave states of the Upper South—Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina—then seceded, in the second wave of secession, and joined the Confederacy ...

    Alexander H. Stephens-Flags of the Confederate...-List of historical unrecognized