

2024/1/17 -The bcdDevice value indicates the device-defined revision number. The USB driver stack uses bcdDevice, along with idVendor and idProduct, to ...

bcdDevice. The device release number as a binary-coded decimal. macOS 10.0+.

2024/1/17 -The bcdDevice value indicates the device-defined revision number. The USB driver stack uses bcdDevice, along with idVendor and idProduct ...

bcdDevice. The release number of the device, specified as a binary-coded decimal number. DriverKit 19.0+.

The bcdDevice has the same format than the bcdUSB and is used to provide a device version number. This value is assigned by the developer. Three string ...

The Device Descriptor (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) is the root of the descriptor tree and contains basic device information.

The bcdUSB field contains a BCD version number. The value of the bcdUSB field is 0xJJMN for version JJ.MN (JJ major version number, M minor version number, N ...

bcdDevice. public short bcdDevice(). Returns the device release number in binary-coded decimal. Returns: The device release number. iManufacturer. public byte ...

2017/11/15 -The value of UsbDevice.getVersion() is actually the value of bcdUSB meaning it's the USB device specification version.